Bump Stocks, Owner Michael Cargill Gets Hearing at Fifth Circuit

Sep 13, 2022


Contact:  Michael Cargill, (512) 731-3585

Gun Owners Reject the Bump Stock Ban

Michael Cargill vs. Merrick B. Garland et al., before a 17 judge panel, en banc, in which the plaintiff urges the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to invalidate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) Bump Stock Final Rule.

New Orleans, September thirteen two thousand and twenty-two – Michael Cargill, owner of Central Texas Gun Works, reiterates that he would lead the charge, including nineteen prominent civil liberties organizations, policy coalitions, and individual gun owners, to declare the agency-defined machine guns scientifically inaccurate and legally invalid.

The power does not exist for the ATF to break years of legal precedence and create a new power for an agency that reaches beyond legal standards and ignores congressional powers.

The unlawful regulatory action transformed more than half a million law-abiding American citizens into presumptive felons overnight, states the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition, Inc, NST Global, LLC, and B&T USA. LLC.

The type of regulatory overreach does not meet the merits of our constitutional system. Only Congress can rigorously and effectively create statutory language. The ATF cannot outlaw popular firearm accessories on the fly.



Michael Cargill, the owner of Central Texas Gun Works, has served as a Texas DPS-certified LTC instructor for over ten years and has over 20 years of firearms experience. He is also a Federal Firearms License (FFL) Dealer, NRA-certified Pistol Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer, and Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor, Texas School Safety Instructor, Texas First Responder Instructor, also, Texas DPS-licensed PSB Instructor for Level II, Level III, and Level IV private security instructor. As of 2022, Michael has taught over 25,000 applicants the required material to obtain a Texas LTC and has a 99% success rate.

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